from the damage中文什么意思

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  1. This means they can be easily shielded from the damaging neutrons
  2. The machine is small . it can protect material from the damage during feeding or straightening
  3. Protection devices of power supply shall be able to prevent the equipment from the damage of sudden power cut
  4. Ast ( aspertate aminotransferase ) - enzyme or protein that leaks from the damaged liver . measured in blood to assess liver injury
    Ast (谷草转氨酶? ?从受损肝脏中泄露的酶或蛋白。在实验室由血液检测中评估肝功能。
  5. Alt ( alanine aminotransferase ) - enzyme or protein that leaks from the damaged liver . measured in blood to assess liver injury
    Alt (谷丙转氨酶) ? ?从受损肝脏中泄露的酶或蛋白。在实验室由血液检测中评估肝功能。


  1. from the chart we know that 什么意思
  2. from the chinese fress 什么意思
  3. from the courtroom 什么意思
  4. from the cradle 什么意思
  5. from the cradle to the grave 什么意思
  6. from the day we arrive on the planet 什么意思
  7. from the days when he was more my size 什么意思
  8. from the dove to peace 什么意思
  9. from the earth to the moon 什么意思
  10. from the earth to the moon (miniseries) 什么意思


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